
Custom E-commerce Platform for

As a technical partner for, we have developed a comprehensive e-commerce platform that enables the entrepreneur, without technical background, to quickly and independently test new ideas in the market. This platform allows the client to adjust all content and pages with a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder.

Our collaboration began with advising on the best technological approach and developing an advanced product configurator. This allows users to perform complex price calculations with numerous options, essential for the custom work offers.

  • Custom CMS. A fully customizable CMS that gives the client control over the website's content and layout.
  • Product Configurator and Price Calculation. Complex algorithms provide accurate quotes and direct feedback to customers.
  • SEO and SEA Optimization. The platform is fully optimized for search engines, essential for online visibility and sales.

The system also includes a fully integrated order and quote system with PDF export, email communication, and OTP logins, ensuring a streamlined customer journey from quote to delivery.

Continuous Development and Optimization

We continue to develop new features and improve existing processes to ensure that always stays ahead in the market and achieves maximum efficiency in their sales process.

“Thanks to this platform, we can quickly pivot and put our ideas into practice, with measurable results.”

GP avatar
Owner – Reflection on the impact of the platform

Our deep technical expertise and proactive approach enable us to respond quickly and effectively to the dynamic demands of the market while supporting our clients' entrepreneurial spirit.

Vincent van Montfoort

Curious about the possibilities for your business?

Schedule a free introductory meeting where we discuss your wishes and needs.

  • Personal approach
  • Transparent communication
  • Expert advice
  • Flexible approach