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Launch faster, learn quickly, adapt rapidly: Discover the power of an MVP

A Minimum Viable Product allows you to quickly enter the market with a basic version of your product, enabling you to gather valuable feedback and refine your offering. Bergfort guides you through every step of this process.

Core Benefits

Why start with an MVP?

A Minimum Viable Product provides essential insights and accelerates your market introduction while minimizing risks and costs. Discover the main advantages:

Faster market introduction

Bring your product to market faster by focusing on core functionalities. An MVP allows you to learn from real user experiences without complex and time-consuming developments.

Cost savings

Limit the initial investment and spread development costs over time. By building only essential features, you manage your budget more effectively and avoid spending on less critical functionalities.

Feedback and adjustments

An MVP provides the perfect basis to gather feedback and iteratively improve your product. This adaptive process ensures a product that closely matches the needs of the end-user.

Our approach

Discover how we shape your MVP

Learn about our step-by-step method for developing successful Minimum Viable Products and how we collaborate with clients to foster innovation.

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Core of Innovation

The Power of a Minimum Viable Product

At Bergfort, an MVP is not just a prototype, but a fully operational platform optimized to streamline your company's core processes or quickly validate your business case. Perfect for ambitious entrepreneurs, our MVP enables rapid market introduction, provides essential insights through core functionalities and API integrations, and lays a solid foundation for future scalability.

Core functionalities

We ensure that your MVP includes the crucial features needed to successfully perform the main tasks of your application.

Essential API integrations

We integrate important APIs that connect your MVP to external services, such as payment systems or data analysis tools, depending on your specific needs.


Your MVP is developed with future growth in mind, using technologies and structures that can be easily expanded and adapted.

Our Customers

We are proud of our collaboration with some of the most innovative companies. Discover how we have jointly realized groundbreaking solutions.

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Projects that preceded you

View our recent projects

Here are some examples of how we built custom solutions for our clients

A complex e-commerce solution where customers can configure and order their own spray panels. Customers can choose from different materials, sizes, and colors.

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A platform to find objects online in a large database of objects. The platform is designed with a focus on user-friendliness and speed.

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3OS is an online accounting platform. The registration process and document submission are largely automated, allowing customers to work more efficiently.

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Direct Answers

Frequently Asked Questions about MVP Development

Learn more about how Bergfort helps entrepreneurs quickly and effectively launch their product ideas with MVPs.

Vincent van Montfoort

Curious about the possibilities for your company?

Schedule a free introductory meeting where we discuss your wishes and needs.

  • Personal approach
  • Transparent communication
  • Expert advice
  • Flexible approach